Traditional business case development practices focus mostly on the conventional value measurement technique like NPV (Net Profit Value), however, in a digital business transformation, these techniques are not so effective. Enterprise Evolver provides a comprehensive end to end business case development process. Following are the steps:

  • Identify goals and metrics
  • Identify capabilities that will be impacted by the initiative
  • Perform a comprehensive capability assessment & scores capabilities by its maturity, importance, and complexity
  • Identify which capabilities require minor enhancement vs which major enhancement
  • Depending upon the type of enhancement, create capability increments.
  • For each capability increments, capture high-level business requirements, desired outcomes, and dependencies in other capabilities
  • For each capability increment, identify resource costs, i.e. people cost, application/technology cost
  • Assign a timeline to each capability increment.

After following these steps for each capability, you will end up developing a business case that will contain comprehensive capability analysis, resource cost, capability delivery cost, and a roadmap. Moreover, Enterprise Evolver also keeps track of capability development cost so you can see how much your organization has invested in a particular capability enhancement over time. A business case report can be created from all the data captured in a Word format to share with stakeholders.